Day: September 7, 2008

  • NY Times: Ambient Awareness, Digital Intimacy

    Xeni Jardin at Boing Boing pointed me to this NY Times article Ambient Awareness, the effects of the Facebook and Twitter on culture and psychology. A great read. Combined with my reading for cck08, more than 200 pages, I’m glad today is Sunday.

  • cck08 about to start

    One of the blogs I read (I think it was Robin Good’s) sent me to cck08, an open online class in Connectivism. I’ve been curious about this concept of distributed knowledge and its use in learning and education. It is coming at just the right time. George Siemens posts in blogs I read regularly, and I am looking forward to interacting with what look to be a huge group (200 have sent in self- introductions, 2,000 have expressed an interest). Can’t wait. Look for my reactions here and in their class Moodle. and on twitter, I’m TokyoKevin.