Research is always part of a student and teacher’s life in a university, in any language. Zotero makes collecting research on the web a lot easier. This Firefox plugin (they have a new MS Word plugin too) helps you collect your research, organize it and keep it ready for use at any time. Just hit the Zotero button in the corner of your browser, up pops a small window, you can collect the link, the entire page, or parts of the page, as you like.
Zotero really shines when you need to make a bibliography. You can go to Amazon, or any other site with standard references, and Zotero will collect all the bibliographic data for that book, magazine or web page. Select all the ones you want, set a format for your bibliography (MLA, APA or others) and it automatically creates the bibliography.
They are working on a Japanese version, and the next version will also make all your data available across the web. I do research on about 4 different computers and this will be a godsend.
2 responses to “Tool #23: Zotero, for the researcher”
I know this cite for writing a graduation thesis. It seems to be useful to organize many cites for reserch.
Hi Kevin,
you mentioned that you are doing research on 4 different computers and would like to have the possibility to access your material online – can I suggest you have a look at Mendeley (http://www.mendeley.com,I'm a co-founder). Mendeley Desktop is free academic software for managing and sharing research papers. Mendeley Web is a free research network which lets you access your papers online, discover research trends and connect to like-minded researchers.
You can basically install Mendeley on many different computers and sync your materials to any installation or access it online via Mendeley Web through a Webbrowser.
Everything is still heavily under development, but if you are missing something, let us know at http://feedback.mendeley.com.
Best wishes
Jan (jan.reichelt@mendeley.com)