David Wiley thinks that the university as it stands will be irrelevant by 2020. He suggested we take a look at a couple of videos. Here is one of them.
Month: April 2009
Did you know?
New Reading, New Writing
Will Richardson over at Web-logg-ed has a very interesting article about how new technology will change how we read. He points us toward an article in the Wall Street Journal by Steven Johnson, one of my favorite writers. Johnson talks about how the eBook will change reading, primarily through its ease of use, immediate access to an entire library, and linked information and sharing your thoughts in an ongoing discussion with friends and strangers.
This linking and discussion takes place using web sites like diigo, or digg, or evernote. Annotating, marking up, adding comments in the “margins”, tagging and sharing. I think he is spot on. I can’t wait to get my Kindle.