Year: 2009

  • Tool #30: iPod

    Check out the iTouch for even better hardware
    Check out the iTouch for even better hardware

    Apple makes great computers, and Steve Jobs is started three technological revolutions. The fist was to make a desktop personal computer. The second was to make a portable digital music player, and the third was to make a portable computer that fits in your hand (iPhone). Each revolution has changed its respecitive industry (computers, music, phones).

    The iPod is a great tool for education. You can load audio, and even video on to an iPod and it becomes a portable media machine. It works better than a CD, cassette or MD player. You can bookmark places in your sound files to go back to the exact place each time. Get the AV cable to connect to speakers and digital projectors.

  • Tool #29: GoToWeb2.0 Directory

    Thousands of web 2.0 sites
    Thousands of web 2.0 sites

    I really like this directory of web 2.0 sites for the variety of names and logos that have proliferated (spread) in the last few years. It is much easier to make a web 2.0 site, it only costs, on average, about $100,000, where in the year 200 Internet bubble the average cost for a site was about $1,000,000. These sites all have a few things in common: they are simple, they do one thing and do it well, and they are almost all free. Explore, enjoy, spend some time. Or look of a specific kind of site, as well. Go2web2.0.

  • Tool #28: YouSendIt: big file transfer

    Replaces FTP
    Replaces FTP

    With Gmail, or Yahoo Mail, you can send files up to 10 MB, which is pretty large (a 10-minute mp3 file, for example).

    But sometimes, you need to send someone a file that is larger. My favorite service is YouSendIt. I send files to Boston and get them back fine with this service. Normally, a geek like me would use FTP, but that requires owning a web site and using specialized software. With YouSendIt, it is all done on the web, and is very similar to sending an email.

  • Recent books

    Over winter vacation, I spent almost a week at my wife’s mother’s place in Nagoya. No Internet. Which meant lots of time for reading paper-based stuff. Here is how I spent my New Year’s.

    The Limits of Power by Andrew Blacevitch, former Navy Admiral shows how we can’t continue our imperial ways in the world, how they got started with Regan, how Carter was right, and how Rhienhold Neibuhr foresaw this a long time ago.

    Anathem by Neal Stephenson: Monks in the future, on another world, grapple with society, purges and a new world-shaking event. 940 pages of classic Stephenson, his best book yet, but hard to read because it has its own vocabulary.

    The Big Necessity by Rose George: The biggest health improvement in the last 500 years has been sewage treatment. This Guardian reporter explores, literally, the biggest and the best, the worst and the stinkiest ways to handle shit.

  • Tool #27: HandBrake video format conversion

    Convert DVDs to other formats for editing or watching on your iPod
    Convert DVDs to other formats for editing or watching on your iPod

    Sometimes you have a DVD with a small section of video you want to use in class, or want to put on your iPod, or you want to edit a little for your class use. This is legally OK because it is called Fair Use, an exception to copyright, specifically for education. HandBrake is a software you download and install on your computer to change from one format to another.There are many different video formats, and not all people can play all the formats on their computers, so a coversion software is necessary. This one is free, and works very well. This does require some knowledge of editing videos to use well. Sorry, no Japanese version available.