I started listening to this podcast a couple of weeks ago. I can’t get enough.
I remember driving all over Japan a few years ago, listening to the series about the
Byzantines by Lars Brownworth, a prof, who is doing one on the
Normans. Driving around the US last summer I listened to How the
Irish Saved Civilization, by Thomas Cahill.
But now this new guy (for me),
Dan Carlin, talks about lots of different kinds of history. His podcasts are long, 3-4 hours, but engrossing. I’ve listened to #48, about heretics and a trial in Munster, Germany just after Gutenberg and Martin Luther. And #41, about how the Dark Ages weren’t really so Dark, and how the Goths were a lot more civilized than most people think. Covers from the fall of Rome in 472 up through Charlemagne in the 800’s.
He’s got a much more conversational style than Brownworth, and jumps all over the place. He is at the top of iTunes Podcast list, for a good reason. I just wish I had more time. Next for me: #49 The American Peril. He also does series, such as the ones about Mongolia and the Khan. Well worth the listen.