Instead of posting so much on Facebook, I am going to collect ideas here. Each week, I plan to publish on the weekend a set of new stuff that I find each week. See the new stuff from this week. (And yes, I know I misspelled it. Makes it easier to search for.)

Got this for Christmas. I don’t eat that much Nutella, but now I can’t at all. This is
In Politics, we see that the detention camp in Tornillo Texas is slated to close down. Also note that since its opening in June, it has cost $144 million. That is $400/day/child. They could have been housed in the Presidential Suite of most hotels for that. Also note that the word “tornillo” in Spanish means screw or bolt, as in the phrase “tighten the screws.”
Watch this 20-minute video on a group of activists against animal abuse as part of corporate meat manufacturing. They may face decades in prison, yet continue. Sounds almost as crazy as the laws the companies were able to get passed in corrupt state governments. Another symptom of end-stage capitalism.
EdTech: Audrey Watters used to write a series of articles at the end of the year about trends in EdTech. I read all 30,000+ words religiously each year. This year, she is working on a book, so only wrote one article, and it is a doozy.
4 responses to “New Weakly Post”
Tom Ryan
9:16 AM (1 hour ago)
to Marie, bcc: Ginger, bcc: Dan, bcc: Dan, bcc: Kevin, bcc: CHRISTINA, bcc: Jeff
Marie we are glad you were here. We got the nice thank you note you left.
We are pleased that you had such a good time here. We have not heard
from you since Ginger drove you to the Airport on January 1st.
We assume you are busy filling that huge box that is to be shipped to
Anchorage in two weeks. We were assured by you that the two cars with
Jeff and Jon driving up the AlCan Highway with three dogs will be
without incident. You and Christina flew to Anchorage before
Christmas and rented two apartments three miles apart so the drivers
and big box shippers will have addresses to go to was reassuring.
This should all be over in three weeks or so. We wish all four of you
great success in your
new adventures in Anchorage
We talked and talked and partied and feasted the whole time you were
here. Dan and Sheryl went to Glenwood Hot Springs for the New Years
weekend and we had fun at the Treadwells on New Years Eve with you.
Dan and Sheryl came up to Loveland for the big Family Christmas Dinner
here at our twin home. We had lunch with Dan and Sheryl in Longmont
during your stay. Your Church family here was happy to see you and
sing with you in the Choir. We hope you will find a Church in
Anchorage that is as loving. Dad and Mom
As always Kevin, way worth reading your posts. Now they are all in one spot.
Thanks, Kevin. I’ll be a regular snooper.
One suggestion is that “Weakly” on its own is so catchy that it might work fine as the title. I’m bound to forget the words before and after – New ______ Post.
I’d still like to explore a course you might do with us online. The biggest challenge would seem to be reigning all you have to offer into one coherent thread.
Happy New Year,
Steven Herder
Right, the series will be named Weakly Post from now on, and I have a blurb in the template to get people on board for now. Thanks for the suggestion!
Let me put together a couple of ideas you might be interested in on a course. Will send by email.