Google Goggles adds translation
Over at Mashable, they report that Google is adding translation to their new (still in development) Goggles, which can recognize objects and words. Designed for a phone with a camera,…
Over at Mashable, they report that Google is adding translation to their new (still in development) Goggles, which can recognize objects and words. Designed for a phone with a camera,…
Google Translate has added new features making it a lot easier to use. For those of us in Japan, the best one is "romanization" which allows you to get the…
Kurt Vonnegut is in my top 3 writers. Here are 8 reasons why. From the entry in Wikipedia. In his book Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction, Vonnegut listed eight…
Last week was banned books week. All over the world, books are continually banned for their content. At this Interactive map of banned books, you can find out which books…
Showa ELC, or English Language and Communication, is our unofficial department website for students and community building. I'll be posting any further tools for students over there, and tools for…