Category: Technology

  • Really Simple Collaborative Writing

    Call up somebody, have them log on to your EtherPad page and you and friends can edit notes together in real time. Simpler than Google Docs, this is something to look into. Definitely.

    EtherPad Logo
    EtherPad Logo
  • Digital Youth Report

    Over at BoingBoing Cory Doctorow points us to a 3-year multi-million-dollar research effort to discern what the youth of America are doing online, and whether it is good for them or not.

    Two-pager, White paper, Book: Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out (download), Digital Youth homepage

  • Save yourself from shit

    Cover image
    Cover image

    I really enjoy large non-fiction books about a single simple subjects. Salt, for example. Or networks. Or candy. Now one has come out about sewage. Rose George is an investigative journalist. I’ve got this one on order.

    The story of civilization has been the story of separating you from your waste. British investigative journalist Rose George’s stunning—and nauseating—new book opens by explaining that a single gram of feces can contain “ten million viruses, one million bacteria, one thousand parasite cysts, and one hundred worm eggs.” Accidentally ingesting this cocktail causes 80 percent of all the sickness on earth.

  • Social Media Classroom

    In a recent report by Sarah Perez over at ReadWriteWeb we discover Howard Rheingold has been busy making the Social Media Classroom.  This may have a significant effect on Moodle, another open-source project for a CMS (Classroom Management System). Although they are different, with SMC focusing on communication, and Moodle focusing on Management, I foresee that both will rapidly start looking more and more like each other.

  • Good games for math and physics

    fantastic contraption
    fantastic contraption
    I don’t like to study, but I love to learn. Serious Games and Persuasive Games are two books I have been reading recently. They are about using games in education. I like this idea, and have written about it before.

    Here are a couple of games. Try them out and see how well you can do.

    It is good for math skills, especially geometry. It takes about 5 minutes.

    Try another game that takes longer, and is good for physics. Lots of fun, but a big challenge.