Category: Technology

  • Spellify Spell Checker for your website

    I use Firefox as my browser, much better than Internet Explorer. One of the add-ons I use is a spell checker. But many people don’t have a spell checker in their browser.

    What if I could put a nice spell checker on my web site? Well, I can. Spellify is an Ajax based web 2.0 software application that you can add to your domain hosting site so that everyone can have their form input checked for spelling. I have to try this out and see if it works with other programs like Moodle.

  • I want one! Asus eee

    I just heard about the Asus eee, a micro laptop at a great price. Out of Taiwan, this company has been making video and sound cards, and motherboards,  for years. They often have solid products.

    Running Linux OS, it is small(about B5 size), light (less than a kiogram) and cheap (initially set at $200 but is now selling at New Egg for $400). See the video review on YouTube.

  • Tokyokevin at

    Tokyokevin comes back. I’ve used WordPress before, but moved to Expression Engine, paid $200 and watched it get eclipsed by improvements in WordPress. So I am switching back. I’ve had blogs at,, but have consolidated those here. I am going to put everything online in one place.

    I will continue to write about my favorite subjects (check the category listing), and welcome comments. I hope to pass along enough information that is helpful so people check in now and again. See you soon!