Category: tools

  • New Text: Whodunit!

    Adam Gray and Marcos Benavides have collaborated on a textbook of mysteries for language learning called Whodunit.

    Whodunit? Mysteries for langauge laerning

    Published by Abax, this is one of the first creative Commons textbooks available. You can download it and pay what you think is the best price (shades of RadioHead or Pearl Jam).  After reading through the very interesting mysteries, I decided I would use it in 3 of my classes. I am most curious as to how it works in an average class in japan (at ShowaELC) and how it is different from my exceptional students and University of Tokyo. Will keep you updated, but this looks like a great text out of the box, easy to use and thorough. The paper edition comes with additional audio to round out the experience. I am going to have my students use both versions (paper and pdf), so they can get the entire experience. I will be adding supplementary materials to my Moodle on this topic as well, with 2-minute and 5-minute mysteries, and a tutorial on how to write a mystery.

  • Google Goggles adds translation

    Over at Mashable, they report that Google is adding translation to their new (still in development) Goggles, which can recognize objects and words. Designed for a phone with  a camera, it is a great way to get information.

  • Google Image Swirl

    Similar to Google’s Wonder Wheel, there is an image search that links concepts. Click on Image Swirl, and start clicking on linked concepts.

    Image Swirl by Google
    Image Swirl by Google
  • Google Wonder Wheel

    Google has done it again. I really like all the neat things they come up with. This one is great for expanding your vocabulary and finding related concepts. It is called Wonder Wheel. On the regular search page, near the top, click on Options, and then choose Wheel in the left-hand menu. It works like the Visual Thesaurus, but is free.

    Wonder Wheel for linking concepts
    Wonder Wheel for linking concepts
  • Tool #100: ShowaELC

    ShowaELC Logo
    ShowaELC Logo

    Showa ELC, or English Language and Communication, is our unofficial department website for students and community building. I’ll be posting any further tools for students over there, and tools for teachers here. I’ll be maintaining that web site too, so keep a look out for new stuff there. Set up your News Reader to get both this site and that one. You won’t be sorry.

    This ends the 100 Tools in 100 Days. I’ll continue posting ideas and tools here, but add other topics like Japan, social life, economics and politics as well. I hope you have enjoyed these tools and will use some of them. I certainly will.