Category: Uncategorized

  • Tool #97: 100 Ways to use the iPod for learning

    Anytime, anywhere
    Anytime, anywhere

    I’ve also recommended using an iPod for learning before, but here is a list of 100 things you can use with the iPod to make it work like a learning machine. All different kinds of ways.

  • Tool #68: Natural Grammar: Scott Thornbury

    Scott Thornbury
    Scott Thornbury

    Scott Thornbury will be coming to JALT in November as a keynote speaker. His ideas about language learning are really interesting. For example, this idea about teaching grammar as if it were vocabulary, in his book Natural Grammar, which has a teacher support site with all kinds of ideas about teaching grammar in a natural way.

  • Tool #39: Teacher Tube: Videos for class

    You Tube is a great repository of many useful videos, but trying to find something can be daunting, with the millions of videos available.
    Enter Teacher Tube, a site like You Tube, but for teachers. More focused audience, lots of materials that are easy to understand.

  • Tool #23: Zotero, for the researcher

    Save and organize research
    Save and organize research

    Research is always part of a student and teacher’s life in a university, in any language. Zotero makes collecting research on the web a lot easier. This Firefox plugin (they have a new MS Word plugin too) helps you collect your research, organize it and keep it ready for use at any time. Just hit the Zotero button in the corner of your browser, up pops a small window, you can collect the link, the entire page, or parts of the page, as you like.

    Zotero really shines when you need to make a bibliography. You can go to Amazon, or any other site with standard references, and Zotero will collect all the bibliographic data for that book, magazine or web page. Select all the ones you want, set a format for your bibliography (MLA, APA or others) and it automatically creates the bibliography.

    They are working on a Japanese version, and the next version will also make all your data available across the web. I do research on about 4 different computers and this will be a godsend.

  • Tool #20: Open Office

    Open Office is the best example of Open Source Software
    Open Office is the best example of Open Source Software

    Open Office does almost everything that Microsoft Office does, and is free. It is probably the best example of Open Source software. This software was created by dedicated volunteers. The support for the software is better than you can get at Microsoft, in most cases. Open Office comes in Japanese too, as well as many other languages. More and more companies, governments and organizations are using this software, because it does everything they need it to.