Kevin putting it out there

  • Photosynth amazing

    Microsoft has gotten its act together in forming a small team to develop software independently. The results are amazing. Photosynth is online software that “stitches” you photos together. We used to do this with paper pictures, taking many shots of the same thing, and pasting the pictures together in kind of a collage. Here it is done automatically, and beautifully. There are a million ways to exploit this. I’m going to make my first one this afternoon.

  • First Person in College Humor

    POV means Point of View. There are now 2 or 3 short, very funny, videos about college life using a first-person point of view. This means that we can hear what the person is thinking. The one I like best is the bored student in the classroom. Please remember, this is college humor, so things like sex and drinking come up often at this site.

  • Need a translator? Phone it in.

    Jajah, an Internet telecommunications company, and IBM have teamed up to create a service that allows anyone to use a phone to translate between Chinese and English. For free (well, the price of the phone call, unless you use Jajah, or its competitor, Skype, for free). It works in reverse, too.

  • Tokyo after the apocalypse

    Shibuya ApocalypseSome great art work of Tokyo scenes like Shibuya as if all humans were gone for about 50 years. Tokyo Genso (Fantasy). Reminds me of the book out a couple of years ago, The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman.

  • Beatles: The meaning is in the chords

    A very interesting linguistic analysis of the Beatles songs, and how meaning is conveyed by chord change. Written by Ger Tillekens from the Netherlands, this requires some knowledge of music, and of linguistics, but is an amazing look at how the two interact to provide meaning.